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一百杉杉大厦上海浦东商务中心(上海服务式办公室)_上海联合办公 所在区域 浦东新区 
所属商圈 浦东八佰伴  
租金范围 2000-3000元/月 起 
建筑层数 25层 
开 发 商 上海万地置业有限公司
物业公司 上海一百物业管理有限公司 
物业性质 上海浦东浦电路商务中心 
楼盘总高 25层 
电梯情况 6部
空调情况 中央空调 
车位情况 800元/月 
楼盘地址 上海浦东东方路985号
周边交通 地铁2、4、6号线

1.整个楼层 一天24小时安全监视控制。另外,因使用电子门卡,24小时您可以随时自由出入。共具有5个房型,28个房间。您可以根据需求选择使用。(电话机
3.会议室 有料预约制最多可以容纳12人。备有录像机,白板。另外,会议室采用间隔式,可以根据人数选择大小使用。
在这里备有纯净水 咖啡 茶水供您自由享用。另外,也可以作为您的简易接待室使用。同时,这里也为您准备了丰富的日文读物。
5.传真机 复印机 打印机的有料使用传真机和复印机采用密码使用方式。打印机由前台为您服务。

One hundred fir building business center, is located in the subway 4, 6 lines Pudian Station periphery, was founded in 2002, is committed to small and medium enterprises, offices in high-grade office buildings to provide efficient work environment, but also willing to become your company development process of the most competent partner. We change the traditional office awareness, combined with today's information age, in this to provide economic and flexible intelligent, personalized service, at the same time for you to save a lot of investment cost and unnecessary trouble. We provide you with one or six individuals using different sized office, can also according to your needs and choose from one month to one year during use. At the same time, need a phone only can according to your needs to make an appointment you needed office space and services, as you make a hotel reservation as convenient and rapid. We will provide < BR >: < / P > < P > 1 the floor for 24 hours a day for safety monitoring and control. In addition, due to the use of electronic door locks, 24 hours at any time you can free access. Has a total of 5 rooms, 28 rooms. You can choose to use according to needs. ( the telephone < BR > 2, socket 4, hanger 1, tables and chairs, cabinets -- according to the real shape of different ) 2 front desk service here we will provide Chinese and Japanese reception, advisory services. It will serve as your private secretary on behalf of you answer the call, send and receive letters simple day-to-day administrative work. (for details, see table ) < BR > 3 conference rooms with material reservation system can hold up to 12 people. A VCR, whiteboard. In addition, the conference room with interval type, according to the number of selected size using. < BR > 4 < BR > public lounge here with purified water tea for you to enjoy freedom. In addition, can also be used as your simple reception room. At the same time, here for you to prepare a rich Japanese books. < BR > 5 fax machine copier printer fax machines and photocopiers material using the password using the method. The printer comprises a front for your service. < BR > 6: for office size, orientation, office equipment purchase and display with the specific requirements of customers, the centre provides office space rental. Rental prices lower than the general business office rental price.

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版权所有:浦东写字楼网-浦东办公楼网 联系电话:021-58561198 传真号码:021-58561198
Email:hqsc888@hotmail.com copyright 2010 http://www.pudongoffice.com all rights reserved
上海浦东写字楼/浦东办公楼出租/张江写字楼/张江办公楼/陆家嘴写字楼/陆家嘴办公楼 沪ICP备09072254号 上海网站建设