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中融恒瑞国际大厦上海浦东商务中心(上海服务式办公室)_上海联合办公 所在区域 浦东新区 
所属商圈 浦东八佰伴  
租金范围 2000-2000元/月 起 
建筑层数 26 
开 发 商 上海中融置业发展有限公司
物业公司 仲量联行 
物业性质 上海八佰伴商务中心 
楼盘总高 26 
电梯情况 7
空调情况 中央空调 
车位情况 1500 
楼盘地址 上海市浦东新区张杨路560号
周边交通 地铁2,4,6,9号线世纪大道站
中融·恒瑞国际大厦位于浦东陆家嘴国际金融贸易中心,座落在张杨路,与浦东第一八百伴、时代广场,新上海商业城相邻,地理位置得天独厚。基地占地面积为10945平方米,总建筑面积92344 平方米,东塔楼26层,高123.75 M,西塔楼20层,高98.25 M,1-6层为世界名品旗舰店,6层以上为高档智能化写字楼及部分配套设施。 在中融恒瑞国际大厦商务中心所提供的服务型办公室里,1您将享受到:1、若以10人的公司计,需要支付租金的租用面积将会降低50%以上; 2、 您可以在不支付额外成本的情况下拥有宽敞明亮的前台区域,
3、 我们将为你配备最为专业的前台行政人员,您可以节省掉相应人工成本;根据美国人力资源协会的核算,你聘请一个月薪为2000的员工,公司因为办公空间、办公设备、社保、日常工作成本和其他等投入,增加的成本为5倍即10000元。据统计,在中国的就业环境中,附属于每个员工的投入也将不低于1.5倍,即您需要为月薪2000的员工支付5000元/月的成本;4、 我们为您在全国五大城市配备了近50间可以容纳10-20人的会议室,而这是无需您掏出一分钱来建设的;5、 您也不需要在新办公地点开张之前,先掏出一大笔钱进行装修和家私采购;6、 我们为您和您的员工配备了必备的办公家私和常用办公设备(打印机、复印机、传真机和投影仪等),当天签订租赁合同,当天就可以开展业务;7、 我们不但为您提供了免费的宽带上网;而且即便是网络有了问题,也不再需要您亲自烦恼,因为我们有专业的网络维护工程师;8、 你也不必亲自去和管理处、租赁所、工商所等职能部门交涉了,因为有我们的专业管理团队作为您的行政部门;9、 我们所提供的服务型办公室租期灵活(3个月即可起租),随着您公司的发展,您几乎不用付出额外的代价就可以在现有的基础上扩大或者控制自己的办公场地,同时避免了您因为搬迁给您的客户或供应商带来的麻烦。

In China, Henry International Building in Pudong Lujiazui international financial and Trade Center, located in Zhang Yang Road, and the Pudong first with eight hundred, Times Square, the new Shanghai commercial city adjacent, geography position be richly endowed by nature. The base covers an area of 10945 square meters, a total construction area of 92344 square meters, East Tower 26, 123.75 M high, West Tower 20 layer, 98.25 M, 1-6 layer is a world famous flagship store, 6 storeys for the high-end intelligent office buildings and supporting facilities. In Zhongrong international building business center provide service type office, 1 you will enjoy: 1, if the 10 person company, need to pay rent for the leased area will be reduced by more than 50%; 2, you can not to pay the extra cost of cases with bright and spacious reception area, < BR > 3, we will provide you with the most professional downstage administrator, you can save a corresponding artificial cost; according to the American Association of human resource accounting, you hire a monthly salary of 2000 employees, the company as office space, office equipment, daily work of social security, cost and other inputs, increase the cost for 5 times that is 10000 yuan. According to statistics, in China 's employment environment, attached to each employee input will not be lower than 1.5 times, that you need for a monthly salary of 2000 employees to pay 5000 yuan / month cost; 4, we provide you in the country's five largest city, with nearly 50 rooms can accommodate 10-20 people in the meeting room, and this without you took out a penny to construction; 5, you don't need in the new office opened before the first, took out a huge amount of money for decoration and furniture procurement; 6, we provide you and your employees with the necessary office furniture and office equipment ( printers, photocopiers, fax machines, and projectors ), the signing of a lease contract, the day you can conduct business; 7, we not only provide you with free broadband Internet access; and even network problems, no longer need you to worry, because we have professional network maintenance engineer; 8, you don't have to go and management, leasing office of industry and commerce, and other functional departments representations, because we have a professional management team as your administrative departments; 9, we provide service type office flexible lease term ( 3 months can rise hire ), along with your company Development, you almost don't have to pay additional price will build on the existing foundation to expand or control their office space, while avoiding the relocation to you because of your customers or suppliers to bring trouble.

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Email:hqsc888@hotmail.com copyright 2010 http://www.pudongoffice.com all rights reserved
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