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我格广场上海商务中心(上海服务式办公室)_上海联合办公 所在区域 普陀区 
所属商圈 其他  
租金范围 2000-3000元/月 起 
建筑层数 24 
开 发 商 上海先达房地产发展有限公司
物业公司 我格广场物业 
物业性质 上海浦西商务中心 
楼盘总高 24 
电梯情况 7
空调情况 中央空调 
车位情况 600 
楼盘地址 上海市普陀区普雄路88号
周边交通 地铁3,4,11号线曹杨路站
我格广场服务承诺是给每个客户一个无牵无挂,设备世界级的办公室。作为英麦格服务式办公室的客户,你不用担心装修,电力,电话 线,上网或其它办公室设备,就连文具我们都为你准备好,基本上你进来就可以办公了。

◆ 个性化的电话接听
◆ 邮件,包裹及传真的递送服务
◆ 商务登记注册
◆ 全年无休的安全门禁系统。

My lattice square is located in Wuning road Pu Road, metro line three, and line four points of intersection of Cao Yang Road station is only 500 meters distance, circumjacent many 30 public transportation course, traffic is convenient. The total construction area of about 110000 square meters, is a collection of 24 layers of Grade A office space. < / P > < P > I Plaza serviced office with flexible leasing plan 1-6 independent office space. < BR > you can according to their business needs to select all kinds, including in hours, days, months or longer for the lease time service type office, and various business services. < BR > your office rent includes property management fee, air conditioning, cleaning and other daily expenses, greatly save your cost. < BR > I grid square service commitment is to give each customer a without a tie in the world, a world class office equipment. As the British MEG service type office customers, you don't have to worry about decoration, electricity, telephone lines, Internet or other office equipment stationery, even we are ready for you, basically you can come in to the office of the. < / P > < P > professional customer service reception < BR > the personalized telephone < BR > of mail, parcels and fax delivery services < BR > < BR > of business registration of year-round safe access control system.

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版权所有:浦东写字楼网-浦东办公楼网 联系电话:021-58561198 传真号码:021-58561198
Email:hqsc888@hotmail.com copyright 2010 http://www.pudongoffice.com all rights reserved
上海浦东写字楼/浦东办公楼出租/张江写字楼/张江办公楼/陆家嘴写字楼/陆家嘴办公楼 沪ICP备09072254号 上海网站建设