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华润时代广场商务中心(上海浦东八佰伴商务中心) 楼盘类型 上海商务中心 
所在区域 上海商务中心 
楼盘价格 4000元/月 
物 业 费 0 元/月/㎡ 
开 发 商 华润(上海)有限公司 
物业公司 仲量联行 
空调情况 中央空调 
电梯情况 奥的斯电梯8部客梯1部货梯 
车位情况 1200元 
楼盘总高 33层 
周边交通 地铁2、4、6、9号线 
楼盘地址 上海浦东张杨路500号/南泉北路 
1. 便利的路段和舒适的办公环境:
2. 便捷高效的通讯设施:
3. 其他免费设施:


Huarun Times Square business center, headquartered in Singapore, with more than 10 years professional experience in service type office, business centre, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai, Singapore and Beijing and other regions and city, office support services with no hidden fees, praised the " user" management concept. Package of property management fees and central air-conditioning electricity rental. Take office decoration, office furniture, telephone and Internet, central air conditioning system, each floor with a public restroom, and are equipped with meeting rooms, conference rooms, tea room, rest area, functional area, can be foreign registration, suitable for a small number of elite companies and foreign-funded enterprises in Shanghai representative office. Luxury and comfortable working environment. The international standard of service team to provide thoughtful, considerate and efficient business services, dedicated to meet customer demand, to ensure customer satisfaction and trust. < BR > Huarun Times Square business center features: < BR > 1 convenient sections and comfortable office environment: < BR > in the commercial downtown area with fully equipped office; unlimited access with secure access control systems office; to provide 24 hours of lighting, power supply and water supply equipment; office daily cleaning and maintenance; open copiers, tea and rest areas of use. < BR > 2 convenient and efficient communication facilities: < BR > use your company name to answer all calls; unlimited phone calls and call transfer function; Internet line broadband access; providing center fax equipment used; for receiving and distributing all customer correspondence. < BR > 3 other facilities free of charge: < BR > enjoy free coffee, tea and drinking water; enjoy throughout the APBC business center meeting room is free; enjoy complimentary newspapers and magazines. < / P > < P > Huarun Times Square is located in the Pudong Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone, Hongkong Huarun (Group ) Limited company invests 120000000 dollar to build sets stores, entertainment, restaurants, exhibition, office and other integrated of intelligent building. Fashion, comfortable, noble, elegant shopping environment, attracted many top international brands first settled in Pudong. Among them are DUNHILL, ESCADA, LAUREL, ICEBERG, VERRI and so on the world of classic fashion brand. Huarun Times Square in Shanghai Pudong lead and lift the real novelty, fashion, luxury, classic new wave. < BR > Huarun Times Square, 155 meters high, is composed of 34 layers, 10 layers of the tower podium and 2 underground garage, covers an area of 10244 square meters, a total construction area of 98807 square meters. The first class office building, shopping center, entertainment, new world three major components. Huarun Times Square Shopping Center in the era of Building Annex 1-7 layer, a building area of 35000 square meters. < BR >

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