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上海卢湾淮海中路商务中心香港新世界大厦(上海卢湾淮海中路服务式办公室) 楼盘类型 上海商务中心 
所在区域 上海商务中心 
楼盘价格 5000元/月/人 
物 业 费 0 元/月/㎡ 
开 发 商 新世界中国地产有限公司 
物业公司 上海新创物业管理有限公司(香港新世界下属企业) 
空调情况 中央空调 
电梯情况 11 
车位情况 1700 
楼盘总高 60 
周边交通 地铁一号线黄陂南路站 
楼盘地址 上海市卢湾淮海中路300号 
香港新世界大厦商务中心位于上海最繁华的商业中心区之一 -----卢湾区,并且紧邻城市最著名的高档购物一条街,淮海路。拥有毗邻交通主要干道以及得天独厚的地理环境以外,它真正吸引力在于它离上海的最动感的时尚集聚地----新天地仅一步之遥,在这个特色历史建筑与现代国际元素融合的完美广场中,你可以找到各种流行小铺、主题餐厅和时尚前卫的酒吧。

Hongkong new world commercial center is located in Shanghai 's most bustling commercial center area - - - - - Luwan District, and adjacent to the city 's most famous shopping street, Huaihailu Road. Having adjacent traffic main road and be richly endowed by nature geographic environment outside, it really attractive is it from Shanghai 's most dynamic and stylish Agglomeration -- new world only one step away, in this special historical buildings and modern international elements perfect square, you can find a variety of popular shop, restaurant and avant-garde fashion bar.As a special construction of 60 commercial office buildings, the Hongkong New World Tower beyond the domestic and foreign multinationals as tenants of the harsh demands, the Hongkong New World Tower emits unique makes it become Shanghai first extremely prestigious commercial building of. Now the Hongkong New World Tower has become one of the many well-known international company's house to another, including Paris Peregrine, Dupont, the first media, Fuji, Mitsui, marsh and Toshiba computers. Ensure that resources optimization in order to make your capital investment has the significance and value of.When you decide to come to Hongkong new world building business center, we ensure that you save the general funds established cases of personal office. A small amount of money, you can get a more prestigious recognized the commercial position, the exchange is less stress and fatigue. Compared with traditional office, in Hongkong new world building business center you can get not only high quality office, can also enjoy the comfortable office environment, can shoot two hawks with one arrow. To provide one-stop business solutions, including the following services: decoration office, for 1 to 20 people use short-term lease or use of office space, flexible and convenient office located in the CBD central zone, the geographical position is superior professional telephone and answering service conference room and training room is spacious and comfortable video conferencing facilities, high speed Internet Secretary Recruitment and company registration services and virtual office services, customers can choose to use the office address, telephone answering service.

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