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上海长宁虹桥商务中心东方世纪大厦(上海长宁虹桥服务式办公室) 楼盘类型 上海商务中心 
所在区域 上海商务中心 
楼盘价格 3000元/月/人 
物 业 费 0 元/月/㎡ 
开 发 商 东方出版中心 
物业公司 上海东昊物业管理有限公司 
空调情况 中央空调 
车位情况 1200 
楼盘总高 24 
周边交通 地铁2号线 
楼盘地址 上海市长宁区仙霞路345号 
东方世纪大厦所处的虹桥开发区是上海最成熟的高档商务办公区之一,开发区内有众多的四星、五星级宾馆,各具特色的商贸大厦和大型的商贸展销中心。以及日本,韩国等国家的领事馆,毗邻的虹桥国际机场是通向国内外的空中门户。市内的交通干线有:外环线,上海 连通沪宁、沪杭高速公路的外线走廊;内环线高架路,通向上海中心城区的快速通道;延安路高架、地铁二号线,横贯上海市最繁华商业区;这些浓重的商业氛围和便捷的交通条件将会带给东方世纪大厦入住的客户以无限的商业机会。

1. 办公室立即可用,全配全装修,客户无须装潢与配置办公家具
2. 设有双语呼叫中心专项服务,为客户接听与转接所有电话
3. 租赁期限灵活,客户可按公司发展计划设定合适的租期
4. 每个商务中心内部至少设有一位IT技术人员,提供即时IT支持
5. 每个商务中心均设有多个会议室,并配备完整的会议设备
6. 前台接待、清洁消毒、日常维修与IT设备维护
7. 专业行政秘书将协助客户处理日常事务,如收发邮件、订票与酒店预定等
8. 宽阔公共休息区为客户带来舒适的休闲空间

East Era Mansion Hotel is located in Hongqiao development zone is Shanghai most mature high-grade commercial office district, the development zone has many four-star, five star hotel, unique business building and large trade exhibition center. And Japan, Korea and other countries of the consulate, adjacent to the Hongqiao International Airport to domestic and international air gateway. City traffic trunk lines are: outer ring road, Shanghai-Nanjing, Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway Shanghai communicated with outside corridor; inner ring elevated road, leading to the center of Shanghai city fast channel; the Yanan elevated road, metro line two, the trans Shanghai city the most prosperous commercial district; the strong commercial atmosphere and convenient traffic condition will bring Oriental Era Mansion Hotel occupancy customers with unlimited business opportunities. < / P > < P > Era Mansion Hotel East Business Center is headquartered in Hongkong, is currently in Shanghai has a total of 9 business center, are located in downtown lots of gold. For customers to provide matchs completely full decoration one-stop service office, but also according to customer needs, tailored to the most suitable for the high quality of customer service package. < BR > Era Mansion Hotel East business center specialized in legal and financial adviser team, customers can provide include accounting, taxation and human resources in a full range of consulting services. < BR > Oriental Era Mansion Hotel business center's goal is to provide quality and convenient services, be trained with regularity administrative team will provide all the business needs of the administrative services, facilitate the needs of customers, has been in the industry to establish a unique competitive strength. < BR > 1 office immediately available, match completely full decoration, customers need not decorate and allocation of office furniture < BR > 2 is provided with a bilingual call center special service, for customers to receive and transfer all the phone < BR > 3 leases flexibility, customers can according to the company development plan set the appropriate term < BR > 4 for each business center at least with a IT technical staff, to provide immediate support for IT < BR > 5 for each business center is equipped with multiple meeting rooms, and equipped with complete conference facilities < BR > 6 reception, cleaning, repair and maintenance of daily IT < BR > 7 professional administrative secretary will help customers to deal with daily affairs, such as mail, booking and hotel reservation and < BR > 8 wide public rest area for customers comfortable leisure space < BR >

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